Mobile Application Penetration Test

The purpose of this test is to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in an application, and the way it interacts and transfers data with the backend systems.

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Mobile Application Penetration Test?

Is an authorized and simulated hacking attempt against a native mobile application such as Android, Windows, and iOS. The purpose of this test is to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in an application, and the way it interacts and transfers data with the backend systems. The mobile application penetration testing methodology concentrates on client-side safety, file system, hardware, and network security.

SUD0ROOT provides organizations with a real-world view of any security issues which may exist. Our testing approach consists of manual testing using a dedicated security resource that is trained to think ‘out of the box’ and identify all security issues.

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Mobile Application security testing generally includes:

  • Weak Server Side Controls

  • Insecure Data Storage

  • Insufficient Transport Layer Protection

  • Unintended Data Leakage

  • Security Decisions Via Untrusted Inputs

  • Poor Authorization and Authentication

  • Broken Cryptography

  • Client Side Injection

  • Improper Session Handling

  • API Vulnerabilities

The Benefits

The benefits to your Business


Gain real-world insight into your vulnerabilities.


Detecting susceptibility to reverse engineering.


Gain knowledge of vulnerabilities, loopholes and attack vectors before delivering an app to the user.


remediate vulnerabilities that could lead to assets and valuable data from being compromised.


The cost of fixing issues now is less than addressing later when a breach or a flaw gets discovered.


Develop secure communication, authentication, authorization and data storage.

You Have a question?. Contact us.

If you would like to find out more about how we can help you, please give us a call or drop us an email and one of our experts will reach out to you.



Alfrdos street, Khartoum, Sudan


Phone Number

(+966) 53 246-9349