About Us

SUD0ROOT is an information security firm that helps organizations to identify security risks & weaknesses to meet business and technical security objectives. And also provides organizations with a real-world view of any security issues which may exist, enables you to reduce your attack surface digitally, physically and socially to maintain your resources secure.

Our values

Our core values

The following core values provide the inspiration behind our business operations and form the basis for our service. We actively transfer these core values which set the standard for our daily functioning, we also act according to these core values for the benefit of our employees, our services, and our community.

  • Integrity
  • Positivity
  • Diligence
  • Accountability
  • Perseverance
  • Creativity

Our team

Our highly-skilled offensive and defensive security experts with years of experience in information security

Image Description
CEO & Founder

Omer Abdallah

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RedTeam Leader

Faris Faisall

Image Description
Security Specialist

Ahmed El-Tijani

New We are hiring. Check available jobs.
You Have a question?. Contact us.

If you would like to find out more about how we can help you, please give us a call or drop us an email and one of our experts will reach out to you.



Alfrdos street, Khartoum, Sudan


Phone Number

(+966) 53 246-9349